Sherlock Holmes’ mystery   

One of you is arrested for a crime he hasn’t committed. You have to help him prove his innocence. You have an hour to collect all clues and proofs before the trial with the official sentence for robbery is given. (Probably life imprisonment)   

The Royal Jewels of the Crown were robbed, and they haven’t been found yet. The police arrested your friend for the burglary. You know he was framed by the real culprit, but the police do not believe you. Act likeSherlock Holmes. You have to follow the clues to prove your friend’s innocence.You investigate the room where the evidence against your friend was planted. In his cell there are also some clues that could help you solve the problem.

A chess table could help children with orientation (e.g. move the queen 2+5 west cells. Count the class’s tiles and move like the queen to find the next clue). Use physics laws to create a text that signifies the location of the next clue or the clue itself. Another clue could be a forgotten wallet on the crime scene with no ID, but with a blood-donor card ID in it. The police has the blood type of your friend, so you can compare them. Maybe, the children could find some jewelleries in the pocket of a police officer’s jacket. Is the real burglar one of the police officers?