Compose a triomino in which you hide a clue (text or image).
Does it require an electronic device? No
In this example, we will use the free website which allows you to create custom triominoes, but it is possible to use other websites that offer the same manipulation.
- Click on the link to access the triomino generator.
- On the right, in the generator, you can choose the following options (in order of suggestion): the type of triomino (star, small triangle or hexagon), the font, the font colour and the corner colour.
- Once you have chosen the options, you can check the “download” box if you wish.
- Click on “Enter conditions”.
- This takes you to the triomino customisation: in each line, indicate what you want to appear in the dedicated section. Once you have finished, click on the “Create a triomino” button.
- You can download and print them. Once they have been cut out, don’t hesitate to laminate them to prevent them from getting damaged quickly.