Minimized in the blood
During a biology class a group of students are assigned a project to find a pathway to the brain from another part of the body. While struggling to solve the problem the students are minimalized to the size of a red blood cell and sent in the bloodstream of one of their classmates. Now with the new perspective given they must finish the task to reach the brain starting from the toes.
During a biology class, while revising anatomy content, a group of students are assigned a project: to find a pathway to reach the brain from another part of the body. The students started working on the task, however found it hard. Suddenly they were minimized to the size of a red blood cell. Here from a new dimension and perspective the students must find a direct path to the brain. They find themselves in the toes of a classmate of theirs in the beginning of the journey. They must solve a set of puzzles in the areas of biology (hematology and neuroscience) in one hour to restore their initial size. The haemato-encephalic barrier will be used in the process.